Welcome to MEDICO AEROESPACIAL. The terms and conditions under which you can use this website and the services offered on it are established here. By accessing or using what the website https://www.medicoaeroespacial.com offers, you acquire the status of USER. The USER approves that he has read, understood and accepted to be bound by each and every one of the Terms and Conditions published here. If you do not agree to these terms and conditions, you are not authorized to access or otherwise use the website.


The owner of this website is MEDICO AEROESPACIAL S.A.S. (hereinafter MEDICO AEROESPACIAL). Nit 901569325 – 1

The purpose of this website is to serve as an information manager on issues related to Aerospace Medicine, as well as serving as a platform for scheduling and managing medical appointments between the USER and the doctors who provide services related to Aerospace, occupational and travel Medicine.

Email: [email protected]


This web page is available to anyone, therefore, the terms and conditions are governed by the regulations corresponding to the country where the Page is constituted, that is, under the laws of the Republic of Colombia.

To use our website and/or receive our services, the USER must be 18 years of age, or the legal age of majority in their jurisdiction, and possess the legal authority, right and freedom to enter into these Terms as an agreement binding. If the USER is a minor or a dependent person, the term includes their parents, guardians or curators, who will be responsible for accompanying the minor.

The USER is NOT allowed to use this website and/or receive services if doing so is prohibited in their country or by virtue of any law or regulation applicable to their case. Consequently, the USER must carefully read the Terms and Conditions on each of the occasions in which he intends to use the products and services offered on this page.

If, for any reason, the competent jurisdiction considers any clause or part of the Terms and Conditions inapplicable, the rest of the Terms and Conditions will continue to apply in full effect. The USER who enters the page from places that are outside the jurisdiction where the web is constituted, does so at their own risk and is fully and personally responsible for compliance with the laws that govern the place from where they enter. and/or use the services of this Page.


The information that the USER can obtain through the page, where topics related to aspects of physical or psychological human health are discussed, is merely illustrative, enunciative, basic, colloquial and preliminary and does not contemplate or intend to contemplate all diseases, ailments, discomforts, physical or psychological conditions known or to be known, nor does it constitute an appropriate vehicle to present ailments, problems and/or medical cases and obtain professional information for diagnosis and treatment. The USER must necessarily consult a doctor or health professional to receive an adequate diagnosis and treatment.

Under no circumstances will MEDICO AEROESPACIAL be responsible for foreseeable or unforeseeable damages that, directly or indirectly, may be derived from the use that the USER gives to the information published on the page, or that they receive as a consequence of the responses to the consultations that have been formulated in the clinics. MEDICO AEROESPACIAL states that the information on this page is merely informative and does not replace consultation with a doctor, so the USER is fully responsible for the management of the page and the services or information found there, the verification and validation of the same, as well as the final use made of it.


Before using the website to schedule health services, the USER must be informed of the Services and current legislation, rules or regulations that may be applicable to the Services of the Health professional.

It is necessary to clarify that this web page is not an IPS or entity that provides health services under any perspective or concept. Its tasks are only related to informational, administrative, scheduling and advertising services, to the extent that with its service it only facilitates the scheduling of medical consultation appointments between users and the doctors it advertises.

The doctors with whom users schedule their consultation, carry out their professional activity with full independence from MEDICO AEROESPACIAL, therefore, MEDICO AEROESPACIAL is not responsible for the performance of health professionals in consultations or their activity outside of them; each party acts with full technical, financial, administrative and scientific autonomy in terms of the provision of their services, since the nature of the relationship between MEDICO AEROESPACIAL and the doctors who offer their services does not constitute a partnership contract, of representation of one to the other, of work, nor employment relationship of any kind between them or the people that each one designates for the fulfillment of the obligations in charge.

The clinical histories will be completed in the consultation and kept by the health professional, who is the one who writes them and authorizes their final content for each consultation. MEDICO AEROESPACIAL, in its role as responsible and owner of this web page, does not participate in any way in the development of the consultation or the completion of the clinical history, therefore, MEDICO AEROESPACIAL is not responsible for errors, undue modifications or any inconvenience that may arise with respect to the medical records of the users.

Regarding doctors, the USER has the power to make the decision freely and voluntarily to access or not the services that the health professional offers; The selection of a doctor is an important decision that should not be based solely on the advertising or advertisements on this website.

MEDICO AEROESPACIAL develops with health professionals an objective due diligence process on the identity of the professionals, the academic titles and experience that the professional claims to have, as well as promoting a culture of respect and professionalism in the way they communicate and interact with them, either face-to-face or remote.

The fact that a professional appears on the portal of this web page does not mean a certification or joint responsibility for the services, since the relationship between the doctor and MEDICO AEROESPACIAL is one of independence; Said diligence does not guarantee the suitability, preparation or background, to the extent that the verification that is made is carried out by the means that any individual without public authority can exercise, by conventional means and that the USER is even able to carry out.

The medical professional must act with full technical-scientific autonomy, and in compliance with the ethical principles that his profession requires of him (Article 17 of Law 1751 of 2015 and Article 5 of Resolution 2654 of 2019). The rights and duties of the patient established in Decree 780 of 2016 Sole Regulatory of the Health Sector must be fulfilled, which the patient must consult and know and always keep in mind during the existence of the contractual relationship with the treating doctor.

MEDICO AEROESPACIAL does not grant any guarantee of any kind regarding the medical advice, advice, content, information offered in the Service, or the consequences of any kind of the actions of the doctors consulted.

By accessing or using any of the services offered by any of the doctors attached to MEDICO AEROESPACIAL, hereinafter the AFFILIATED DOCTOR, you acquire the status of USER.

If the USER chooses to access any of the services provided by the AFFILIATED DOCTOR, they approve that they have read, understood and accepted to be bound by each and every one of the Terms and Conditions mentioned below. If the USER does not agree with these terms and conditions, they are not authorized to access any of the services provided by the AFFILIATED DOCTOR.

The AFFILIATED DOCTOR is an independent medical professional, authorized to provide health services by telemedicine anywhere in Colombian territory.

The AFFILIATED DOCTOR acts with full technical-scientific autonomy, and in compliance with the ethical principles that his profession requires (Article 17 of Law 1751 of 2015 and Article 5 of Resolution 2654 of 2019). The rights and duties of the patient established in Decree 780 of 2016 Sole Regulatory of the Health Sector will be fulfilled, which the patient must consult and know and always keep in mind during the existence of the contractual relationship with the AFFILIATED DOCTOR.

The services offered on this website are:

  1. Consultation, teleconsultation and teleorientation in Aerospace Medicine.
  2. Consultation, teleconsultation and teleguidance in Travel Medicine.
  3. Issuance and renewal of the aeronautical medical certificate in person or by telemedinina.
  4. Occupational medical exams.

General service provision protocol

  1. The USER books his appointment through the portal https://www.medicoaeroespacial.com/. You can choose between the different modalities: face-to-face consultation, teleconsultation, remote advice (teleguidance and telesupport). After booking, the system will direct you to the payment area, where you can select the payment method of your choice and make the payment. Payment must be entered prior to consultation to create a patient profile and guarantee physician time.
  2. When the USER books a service and makes the payment, a confirmation message is sent with the details of the appointment, the connection link and the link to sign the informed consent to the email and WhatsApp number that they register at the time of registration. the reserve. The informed consent must be read in its entirety and accepted in order to access the consultation. The user will also have the option of conducting a survey of health conditions prior to the consultation, which may be part of their medical history.
  3. The USER may modify his reservation at any time, up to 30 minutes before for telemedicine services and remote advice. In the case of face-to-face consultations, you can make changes up to 2 hours before.
  4. Identification of the User in the office or in the technological platform, according to the type of care scheduled.
  5. Identification of the health professional and initiation of care.
  6. Reason for care and formulation of specific questions by the health professional, in agreement with him.
  7. Issuance of medical concept by the health professional in the case of consultation and teleconsultation. For the teleguidance and telesupport service, a medical concept will not be issued, but a guidance type recommendation.
  8. Formulation of questions and doubts by the User.
  9. Completion of care and delivery of medical orders and/or recommendations depending on the care. The formulation of medicines and treatments will only be available for face-to-face consultation and teleconsultation modalities.

Appointment scheduling:

The AFFILIATED DOCTOR offers scheduling through this web page, but provides his services completely independently of it. Online scheduling can be done 24 hours a day. In case of any inconvenience with the scheduling, you can request assistance from our unique customer service line through whatsapp +573246491055 or by mail to [email protected]

Payment of services:

When the USER makes a reservation, he is redirected to the payment area to make the payment with the means of his choice through the Wompi platform. At the time of making the payment, the reservation will be guaranteed. Advance payment is not mandatory, but the reservation could be modified or canceled by the doctor at any time if it has not been paid.

MEDICO AEROESPACIAL will receive payment for the services offered on the web platform/mobile application, a payment known as collection/income from third parties (AFFILIATED DOCTOR) for tax purposes. The AFFILIATED DOCTOR may dispose of the money derived from his services at the time he requires it by presenting the respective collection form.

For the face-to-face consultation, there is the option of making the payment at the time of the service, either in cash or by electronic means, so in this particular case, the reservation will be guaranteed up to 4 hours before the service, at which time in which contact will be established with the USER by email, telephone or WhatsApp in order to confirm attendance, if no response is received within 60 minutes, the appointment will be cancelled. Only in the event that the USER makes the online payment in advance, the reservation will be guaranteed until the moment of service, regardless of the confirmation.

No refunds are made for appointments missed by the patient or consultations that do not correspond to the modality indicated in the reservation. In any case, it is possible to reschedule the appointment at a new time, according to the availability of the schedule and paying the corresponding fine, which has a value corresponding to 20% of the value of the scheduled service.

Clinical history:

The Clinical History is a private, mandatory and confidential document, in which the patient’s health conditions, medical acts and other procedures carried out by the health team involved in their care are recorded chronologically. Said document can only be known by third parties with the prior authorization of the patient or in the cases provided by law.

Each attached doctor must have mechanisms to put into practice the principles and obligations of Law 1581 of 2012, at the level of procedures and processes, and is under permanent review and updating. Likewise, implement mechanisms to ensure the confidentiality and reserve of the clinical history in accordance with the provisions of Resolution 1995 of 1999, Law 2015 of 2020 and concordant regulations, and in general for the treatment of health data considered sensitive information. .

MEDICO AEROESPACIAL offers the AFFILIATED DOCTOR the possibility of registering, reserving and custody of medical records through its platform, but the doctor as a self-employed professional is the one who decides whether to use the MEDICO AEROESPACIAL platform or an external platform for this record. In the event that the AFFILIATED DOCTOR uses an external platform, MEDICO AEROESPACIAL will not have any responsibility for the custody and reservation of said document.

The personal information that the USER provides to access the platform and during the provision of any of the services offered may be part of their medical history.

On-site medical consultation service:

The private consultation carried out by the doctors attached to MEDICO AEROESPACIAL is of a preventive, indicative and clinical nature, but it is NOT a medical emergency service. If there is an emergency, the User must call 123, the 24-hour Medical Emergency line, in the Republic of Colombia, or if they are in another country, the corresponding emergency hotline.

The face-to-face consultation in the modalities of Aerospace Medicine and Traveler Medicine will have a maximum duration of sixty (60) minutes. After the time limit, the service may be terminated at any time. Consultation time begins to run from the exact scheduled time, so in the case of office appointments, the user is advised to show up at the office at least 10 minutes in advance. If the user arrives late, the consultation time could be less than expected and there is even the possibility that it will be necessary to reschedule the service according to the availability of the schedule.

Appointments are individual, inquiries from people other than the one registered in the reservation are not answered. It is essential to bring the identity document at the time of the appointment.

Advantages of face-to-face consultation:

  • Complete physical evaluation, the physical examination performed in person allows greater confidence and more accurate diagnoses.
  • Possibility of receiving basic life support and referral in case of emergency.

Disadvantages of face-to-face consultation:

  • Higher costs and the inconvenience of moving from one place to another.
  • It depends on the availability of the office and its hours, which can delay timely care when necessary.
  • Exposure and probability of contagion of infectious diseases in the waiting room, which is of the utmost importance in times of pandemic.
  • Depending on the means of transportation and traffic conditions, it is possible to arrive late and miss the scheduled consultation, having to
  • reschedule again, with the respective costs that this generates.

Teleconsultation or telemedicine service:

The telemedicine service is provided via video call, using the Google Meet platform, which supports enhanced compliance and security requirements for healthcare. Teleconsultation is NOT a medical emergency service. If there is an emergency, the User must contact the emergency line corresponding to the place where he is.

The online telemedicine consultation has a maximum duration of thirty-five (35) minutes for the modalities of teleconsultation in Aerospace Medicine, Traveler Medicine and Environmental Medicine. For occupational medical examinations, the maximum duration time will be fifteen (15) minutes. After the time limit, the service may be terminated at any time. The time of the consultation begins to run from the exact scheduled time, so the user is requested to appear in the video call at the reserved time. If the user arrives late, the consultation time could be less than expected and there is even the possibility that it will be necessary to reschedule the service according to the availability of the schedule. The consultations offered through the telemedicine service are: Aerospace Medicine, Travel Medicine, Environmental Medicine, Occupational Medicine.

Appointments are individual, inquiries from people other than the one registered in the reservation are not answered. It is essential to carry the identity document at the time of the video call. Access is voluntary for the USER and does not replace personal consultation with a medical professional.

Advantages of the telemedicine service:

  • Avoid the cost and inconvenience of moving from one place to another.
  • Greater comfort, accessing the service from anywhere.
  • Facilitates access and opportunity in the provision of services to the population that presents supply limitations
  • Avoid self-diagnosis and self-medication.
  • It is done through easily accessible means, such as smartphones, computers or tablets.
  • It is possible to generate medical prescriptions through technological means.
  • Record of information and instructions given by the doctor, which can be sent to you by mail.
  • Reduce exposure and probability of contagion in waiting rooms, which is of the utmost importance in times of pandemic.
  • The user of legal age can access and manage the consultations of their dependents, avoiding unnecessary transfers.

Limitations, risks and disadvantages of the telemedicine service:

  • The virtual physical exam is not comparable to an in-person exam performed in a doctor’s office, which can lead to misdiagnosis.
  • Internet connection problems or poor phone signal.
  • Despite the measures that are taken to protect the information, it could be leaked at some point.
  • There may be difficulties in remotely transmitting what you want to express, which can lead to misinterpretation.
  • In people with a predisposition, attention by video call can cause alterations related to the prolonged use of screens such as headache, eye pain and seizures related to previous medical history, which is uncommon in exposures for short periods of time such as In the case of the video call, it is suggested to carry out a face-to-face consultation in the event of having presented alterations or previous illnesses associated with the use of screens.
  • Despite reasonable protection efforts, the transmission of medical information could be altered or distorted by technical failures that could cause delays in the evaluation or by the difficulty of not being able to have the information in physical media.
  • Medical evaluation and treatment could be delayed due to deficiencies or failures in equipment.
    In rare cases, security protocols may fail, resulting in a potential breach of the privacy of personal health information.
  • Lack of access to a complete medical record can result in errors in medical judgment. In some cases, lack of access to complete and/or accurate medical information or records may result in adverse drug reactions, allergic reactions, or other errors in judgment.
  • Services based on video consultation may not be as complete as face-to-face services. Due to the foregoing, the USER understands that if The AFFILIATED DOCTOR recommends face-to-face care and/or refers him to another provider, it is his responsibility as a patient to guarantee that the instructions received are followed in a timely manner.

Remote advisory services (teleguidance and telesupport):

The service consists of the possibility for the USER to receive counseling and advice from a medical professional, which is of a preventive and indicative nature, not face-to-face, virtually through information and communication technologies. Access is voluntary for the USER and does not replace a personal consultation with a medical professional.

It is expressly stated that the information or advice provided through the service in any circumstance should be used only as a guide and not as a definitive recommendation or treatment to take any specific action. The service does not include and it will not be possible, through it, to access any type of certificate, except in teleguidance by video call, as long as an adequate record of the clinical history is made, in which case the care would go from being teleguidance to be telemedicine.

The service is available for the entire territory of the Republic of Colombia and any other country where the USER is located, either by travel or by living in that country, as long as the legislation of said territory allows it.

Teleguidance and telesupport services are carried out by video call or chat using the Google Meet platform, which is compatible with enhanced compliance and security requirements for healthcare. The Service is subject to the technical availability of the Internet access or connectivity service that the USER has and the equipment they wish to access, which depends exclusively on the USER. The options offered in the remote advisory modality are:

  1. Remote advice by video call: This service lasts a maximum of forty (40) minutes for consultancies in Aerospace Medicine, Traveler Medicine, Environmental Medicine and Occupational Medicine. The service time begins to run from the exact scheduled time, so the user is requested to appear at the video call at the reserved time. If the user arrives late, the consultation time could be less than expected and there is even the possibility that it will be necessary to reschedule the service according to the availability of the schedule. Appointments are individual, inquiries from people other than the one registered in the reservation are not answered. It is essential to carry the identity document at the time of the video call.
  2. Remote advice by instant messaging (Chat): This service is carried out through the Teams tool, it lasts a maximum of 10 (Ten) minutes and can be requested at any time or by reservation during the available hours. In the case of a request without a reservation, the attention time will depend on the moment of the request. If the AFFILIATED DOCTOR is online, he will respond as soon as possible, but if he is not online, the response may take up to 12 hours. Doubts will be resolved only on a specific topic in each service. If the user requires guidance on other topics, they must request a new Chat.

The remote advisory service, both by video call and by chat, is not developed for any of the following objectives: Provide direct medical service; Perform therapeutic or disease treatment functions; Formulation medications or disabilities; Medical emergency care; Comply with Rehabilitation functions or medical actions aimed at completing therapeutic actions to reintegrate the individual into their personal or social environment.

The advice will only be of a preventive and indicative nature, no type of management will be formulated, which is the responsibility of the authorized health services in each country. No medication or treatment prescriptions will be made. The USER who, according to medical criteria, requires some type of medication or specific treatment may be directed to an authorized medical consultation service, either in person or by telemedicine depending on the needs of the USER and the place where he is.

Remote counseling is NOT a medical emergency service. If there is an emergency, the User must call 123, the 24-hour Medical Emergency line, in the Republic of Colombia, or if they are in another country, the corresponding emergency hotline.

Advantages of the remote advisory or teleguidance service:

  • Access to the service from anywhere.
  • Avoid the cost and inconvenience of moving from one place to another.
  • Facilitates access and opportunity in the provision of services to the population that presents supply limitations.
  • Avoid self-diagnosis and self-medication.
  • It is done through easily accessible means, such as smartphones, computers or tablets.
  • Record of information and recommendations given by the doctor, which can be sent by mail.
  • Reduce exposure and probability of contagion in waiting rooms, which is of the utmost importance in times of pandemic.

Limitations, risks and disadvantages of the remote advisory or teleguidance service:

  • The impossibility of obtaining a prescription for medication, orders or authorizations for examinations and medical certificates, in accordance with the applicable regulations.
  • No physical examination is performed and the information sent may be insufficient to lead to a conclusive diagnosis by the specialist.
  • Internet connection problems or poor phone signal.
  • Despite the measures that are taken to protect the information, it could be leaked at some point.
  • There may be difficulties in remotely transmitting what you want to express, which can lead to misinterpretation.
  • In people with a predisposition, attention by video call can cause alterations related to the prolonged use of screens such as headache (headache), eye pain and seizures related to previous medical history, which is uncommon in exposures for short periods of time such as In the case of the video call, it is suggested to carry out a face-to-face consultation in the event of having presented alterations or previous illnesses associated with the use of screens.
  • In rare cases, security protocols may fail, resulting in a potential breach of the privacy of personal health information.
  • Lack of access to a complete medical record can result in errors in medical judgment.
  • Teleguidance services may not be as complete as consultation services. Due to the above, the USER understands that if the AFFILIATED DOCTOR recommends face-to-face or virtual care and/or refers it to another provider, it is her responsibility as a patient to guarantee that the instructions received are followed in a timely manner.

Services in Aerospace Medicine:

Aerospace Medicine Consultation: The Aerospace Medicine consultation can be carried out in person or by telemedicine, depending on the needs of the USER. This is offered in some Colombian cities in person or virtually from anywhere in Colombian territory (If you are in another country you can access the remote advisory or teleguidance service).

The Aerospace Medicine consultation is a specialized assessment, which is aimed at the prevention, monitoring and management of diseases whose relationship with the environment where the USER lives and/or works is suspected or has already been proven. The environment creates exposures to many different physical, biological, and chemical agents. Environmental exposures can be general, such as ultraviolet radiation from the sun, or site-specific, such as contaminated water, air conditions, presence of radioactive sources, or power sources. Knowledge of the environment in which the USER lives and works on a daily basis allows a more individualized and specific approach to a specific disease. Both human biology and disease behave differently when in contact with these particular environments. The Aerospace Medicine specialist has advanced knowledge of the medical aspects to be taken into account during the flight and can provide a more targeted approach towards the particular conditions of each individual. This approach allows not only to take care of the patient’s health, but also to safeguard operational safety.

During the consultation, a personalized evaluation of the USER’s medical history will be carried out, taking into account the characteristics of their area of expertise. This evaluation will be the starting point on which the factors involved in the appearance, development or complication of a specific disease will be analyzed. Factors inherent to the air environment will be taken into account, in order to be able to provide the best advice on prevention, as well as the most appropriate measures for the management and monitoring of the condition, also taking operational safety into account. After the consultation, follow-up appointments can be scheduled. The first of these follow-ups will have no additional cost.

Remote advice in Aviation Medicine: The distance advice or teleguidance service in Aviation Medicine is an alternative so that people can access specialized advice from anywhere they are. This service is done by video call, or through instant messaging tools. The counseling’s main objective is to guide in a personalized way, about any doubt that the USER has regarding your health, in relation to exposure to special environments, such as air travel and the most appropriate care regarding your illness, also taking into account operational security. In this modality, two options are offered: Video call and Chat:

  1. Remote advice by video call: This service is offered with a structure similar to that of the consultation, but taking into account the previously mentioned limitations for remote advisory services.
  2. Teleguidance through instant messaging tools (Chat): Aviation Medicine advice via chat is especially useful to resolve specific questions about medical problems in flight or in operations that involve exposure to hostile environments: Health risks related to air transport, care to be taken regarding pregnancy, recent surgeries or specific health conditions that may be affected by the activity to be carried out and put air safety at risk.
  3. Through remote consulting, the telesupport service is also offered to other doctors and specialists who treat air crews and people who carry out activities in hostile environments.

Travel Medicine Services:

Travel Medicine Consultation: We offer consultation services in person or by telemedicine, depending on the needs of the USER. This is offered in some Colombian cities in person or virtually from anywhere in Colombian territory (If you are in another country you can access the remote advisory or teleguidance service).

This consultation is oriented towards the prevention, monitoring and management of diseases that affect all types of travelers, as well as providing support to travelers with special medical conditions such as pregnancy, chronic diseases or disabled travelers, who present a greater risk of presenting complications. During the trip, adequate medical advice before traveling will allow them to enjoy the trip without neglecting their health, preventing accidents and decompensation of the state of health.

  1. Travel medicine consultation before the trip: A personalized evaluation of the USER’s medical history will be carried out, taking into account the characteristics of their travel itinerary. This evaluation will be the starting point on which to analyze the possible risks that may arise, whether or not there are contraindications on flights or for certain activities, and accordingly provide updated information on the prevention of complications and diseases associated with travel. , required vaccinations, entry requirements to the place where you are traveling, safety precautions, medication management, and travel first-aid kit. In this way, the best health options will be discussed with the USER according to their needs and a travel plan will be organized, which will also include follow-up during the journey and after it at no additional cost.
  2. Follow-up in Travel Medicine during the trip (Teleguidance): The USER will be able to access the specialist while they are traveling, through the use of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT), such as video calls or instant messaging tools. Through this service, you will be provided with guidance on any questions that the USER may have regarding their health condition while they are traveling and they will be able to have information on the care they should have in any activity they are going to carry out, such as diving or mountaineering. The doctor may also guide the USER to identify alarm signs and symptoms that require emergency attention and advise options where to go in such a case, depending on the place where the USER is located. If the USER made a consultation prior to the trip with one of the specialists attached to this website, the follow-up service will be included at no additional cost.
  3. Travel Medicine Consultation during the trip: If the patient is in a place where we have face-to-face coverage, they may request the service, where a specialist will go to their place of lodging to provide care or it can also be done in the doctor’s office . For this care, medical advice will be provided to the USER, formulation and supply of medications according to the professional’s criteria, formulation of diagnostic aids and follow-up.
  4. Follow-up in Travel Medicine after the trip (Teleguidance): The USER will be able to access a control consultation after his trip, where he will talk about the different experiences he had and learn more about travel medical care. If the USER had a consultation prior to the trip with one of the specialists attached to this website, this service will be included at no additional cost. In case of presenting any symptoms such as a high fever of 38°C (or more), blood and/or mucus in the stool, altered mental status, abdominal pain, skin rash or any other type of symptom or question that causes concern It is recommended to consult the emergency service available according to the country.

Distance advice in Travel Medicine: The distance advice or teleguidance service in Travel Medicine is an alternative so that people can access specialized advice in Travel Medicine from anywhere. This service is done by video call, or through instant messaging tools. The main objective of this service is to generate specialized accompaniment either before, during and/or after the trip. The doctor will be able to guide the USER in a personalized way and, according to his itinerary, about any questions he has regarding his health condition while traveling, possible restrictions and care in flight, vaccination requirements, care to take into account according to the activities you are going to do or the places you visit and everything you need to know about your health condition during the trip. The service can be accessed by video call or via chat:

  1. Remote advice by video call: This service is offered with a structure similar to that of the consultation, but taking into account the previously mentioned limitations for remote advisory services.
  2. Teleguidance through instant messaging tools (Chat): Travel Medicine advice via chat is especially useful to resolve specific questions you may have at any time during the trip: travel preparation, required vaccinations, updated information on restrictions and entry requirements to certain regions, organization of your medications and times of taking them, health risks related to the means of transport in which the USER is going to travel, care to take if you are pregnant, if you have had any recent surgery or present any specific health condition. You can also receive guidance in identifying alarm signs and symptoms to go to the emergency room before, during or after your trip.
  3. Through remote consulting, the telesupport service is also offered to other doctors and specialists who provide medical care and management to travelers.

Occupational Medicine Services:

Occupational medical exams by telemedicine: virtual assessment by telemedician from anywhere in Colombian territory. Due to the characteristics of the care and in accordance with the applicable regulations, this service is offered only in the Republic of Colombia.

Occupational examinations by telemedicine are only offered to workers who, due to their location, or for some other reason cannot attend an in-person assessment and who also DO NOT require complementary tests (audiometry, visiometry spirometry, psychosensometric test, etc.). This attention is oriented only to entrance, periodic or retirement occupational examinations. The reinstatement and post-disability exams are only carried out in person. In any of the cases, and according to the conditions of the USER, the need for a face-to-face assessment may be indicated.

During the consultation, a personalized evaluation of the USER’s medical history will be carried out, taking into account the characteristics of their work. This evaluation will be the starting point on which the patient’s health condition, risk factors and his interference in the work activity will be analyzed. Finally, an occupational medical concept will be issued depending on the position of the USER.

Remote advice in Occupational Medicine: The remote advice or teleguidance service in Occupational Medicine or occupational health is an alternative so that people can access specialized advice from anywhere. This service is done by video call, or through instant messaging tools. The counseling’s main objective is to guide the USER in a personalized way, regarding any doubts they may have regarding their health in relation to work. The service can be accessed by video call or via chat:

  1. Remote advice by video call: This service is aimed at the prevention, monitoring and guidance in the management of diseases that affect workers. An approach directed towards the particular conditions of the individual and their work environment will be carried out, including a risk assessment and prevention measures. This approach allows not only to take care of the individual’s health, but also to safeguard work and operational safety.
  2. Teleguidance through instant messaging tools (Chat): Occupational Medicine advice via chat is especially useful for resolving specific doubts about occupational health and safety issues: Work-related health risks, care to take if you are in pregnancy, if you have undergone any recent surgery or have any specific health condition that may affect occupational and operational health or safety.
  3. Through remote consulting, the telesupport service is also offered to other doctors and specialists who treat the working population.

Procedure for linking affiliated doctors:

Any professional in the health area who wishes to be part of the MEDICO AEROESPACIAL platform must comply with the following connection procedure that MEDICO AEROESPACIAL has arranged in order to guarantee quality in the services:

Registration of the health professional through the means established by the company for this purpose;

Sending information required for the applicant’s application;

Review of credentials and resume of the health professional by the MEDICO AEROESPACIAL;

Personalized interview;

Assessment of professional skills;

User creation within the platform by MEDICO AEROESPACIAL;

Rights of affiliated doctors:

Define what hours and what sectors you will carry out your professional activity using the MEDICO AEROESPACIAL platform,

You will have the freedom to choose which services to provide through the MEDICO AEROESPACIAL platform;

Others specifically granted by law for this type of legal business;

Receive good treatment from USERS who use the MEDICO AEROESPACIAL platform as a communication channel;

Receive remuneration from the patient for the services that are provided on the MEDICO AEROESPACIAL platform and under the terms of the contract with which they become AFFILIATED DOCTORS.

Obligations of the AFFILIATED DOCTORS:

All Physicians Attached to the MEDICO AEROESPACIAL platform, in order to guarantee a good doctor-patient relationship, must comply with the following obligations:

Keep the Professional Secret with patients under the provisions of the constitution, the law, and managing the information based on the policy of treatment and information management implemented by MEDICO AEROESPACIAL;

Clearly inform the patient of their diagnosis and the possible alternatives and risks that may exist for their treatment;

Act with the utmost diligence and care, optimizing their skills in the care provided to the patient;

Inform MEDICO AEROESPACIAL through the platform, or any other means, the request for urgent medical care by any User;

Comply with the provisions and restrictions established in Resolution 2654 of 2019 and other applicable regulations.

Inform the USER of the conditions, risks, limitations, benefits and other relevant information about the service to be provided (Telemedicine or Teleguidance), in such a way that the USER can give their informed consent to receive the service through MEDICO AEROESPACIAL.

Privacy policy and treatment of personal data:

The data that the USER enters through this website, social networks, calls, emails, instant messaging services, video call platforms will be treated in accordance with the privacy policy of MEDICO AEROESPACIAL, and in accordance with the provisions of the Statutory Law. 1581 of 2012 and Regulatory Decree 1377 of 2013.

Final provisions:

The services offered on this website do not include and should not be used for:

  • Acute medical problems that are life-threatening or that may cause deterioration of the patient.
  • Events that are considered an emergency, urgency or a serious case.
  • Any other that, at the discretion of the doctor, cannot be attended to by the service, including medical problems for immediate emergency care, as detailed, by way of example, below: Chest pain or pressure, Hemorrhage or significant bleeding, Asthmatic attack , Loss of consciousness,
  • Poisoning, Burns, moderate to severe, Seizures/Epilepsy, Difficulty breathing, Serious head, neck or back injury, Serious limb injury, Fractures or broken bone, among others.
  • In case of presenting any of these conditions, the USER may be referred to the corresponding service according to the place where he is located.

The USER understands and unrestrictedly accepts that the doctors reserve the right to suspend and/or stop providing the service, without notice and/or any prior act in the event of any breach by the user of the Terms and conditions herein stated. This will not generate under any circumstances any possibility of claim in favor of the USER.

In the event that the personal information you provide us, at the sole medical discretion, is wrong or incomplete, making it impossible to effectively verify and identify you as a USER, the doctor will have the right to cancel the care, being exempt from any liability or compensation to the user.

The care that the USER receives through the services offered by video call, will not be recorded in order to guarantee the confidentiality of the information that is poured into it, and to safeguard and preserve the medical secret, without prejudice to the entry of data. to the patient’s medical history by the doctor.

For all current legal and administrative purposes, the care provided to the USER shall be understood as provided at the address registered by the doctor.

Any breach by the USER of his obligations or unauthorized use of the Service will derive, at the doctor’s own and exclusive discretion, in the cancellation of the authorization to receive the service by the USER.


As a USER of the services offered on this website, I understand:

  • That I have been informed in advance and satisfactorily of the services offered.
  • That I understand the advantages, benefits and risks of each of the services offered.
  • That I know and assume the risks of accessing the use of the available technological platforms, despite the measures taken by the doctor to minimize them.
  • That I promise to truthfully report the necessary data requested by the doctor.
  • That I understand and accept that my personal data (personal and health and image information) collected before the provision of services will be stored in personal data banks under the responsibility of MEDICO AEROESPACIAL and I authorize its storage and treatment for the purposes set out in the Policy Of privacy.
  • That I understand and accept that my personal data (personal and health and image information) collected during the consultation will be stored and guarded under the responsibility of the attending physician.
  • That I have read this consent in its entirety and understand my obligations and duties as a user of the services offered by AFFILIATED DOCTOR.

In accordance with the above, freely and voluntarily, I have decided to access the services offered on this website.

Likewise, I am aware that by clicking «YES», to the question: «I CONFIRM that I have read, understand and accept the informed consent», I am giving my authorization for the provision of the service through technological means and the acceptance of the terms and conditions stipulated here.


Provision of Health Services that is guaranteed with human and physical resources, and with synchronous communication technological infrastructure, to provide a form of accessibility to health services offered by a medical professional, whose contents are accredited with digital and electronic signatures from the provider and the party interested in the service, through the Telemedicine modality. In the Republic of Colombia it is carried out in accordance with the provisions of Law 1419 of 2010 and Resolution 2654 of 2019.

Once the service is accepted by the USER, it will allow him to access a medical professional, through information and communication technologies. The USER may access the scheduling of the service through the web, or depending on the professional who provides the services by email, telephone or instant messaging platforms.

Benefits: facilitates access and opportunity in the provision of services to the population that has limited supply, access to services or both in their geographical area, allows continuing with social distancing in the absence of warning signs.

Risks: In people with a predisposition, attention by video call can cause alterations related to the prolonged use of screens such as headache (headache), eye pain and seizures related to previous medical history, which is uncommon in exposures for short periods of time. As is the case with the video call, it is suggested to carry out a face-to-face consultation in the event of having presented alterations or previous illnesses associated with the use of screens.

It is reiterated that this website is not an IPS or health service provider under any perspective or concept. Here only the scheduling of medical consultation appointments between users and doctors is facilitated, so the telemedicine service is governed under the same terms and conditions previously specified for health services. The service will be provided by the health professional under their own terms and conditions at the time it is performed.



Teleorientation in health: It is the set of actions that are developed through information and communication technologies to provide the user with information, counseling and advice in the components of health promotion, disease prevention, diagnosis, treatment, rehabilitation and palliation. The telecounselor, within the framework of his powers, must inform the user of the scope of the guidance and provide a copy or summary of the communication if the user requests it.

Telesupport: Refers to the support requested by a health professional from another health professional through information and communication technologies within the framework of the relationship between professionals. It is the responsibility of the person requesting the support, the conduct that determines for the user.


It consists of the possibility for the USER to receive counseling and advice from a medical professional, which is of a preventive and indicative nature, not in person, virtually through information and communication technologies, a service called Teleorientation and Telesupport. Access is voluntary for the USER and does not replace a personal consultation with a medical professional.

It is expressly stated that the information or advice provided through the service by health professionals in any circumstance should be used only as a guide and not as a definitive recommendation or treatment to adopt any specific action.

In the case of scheduling through the MEDICO AEROESPACIAL platform, if the professional chosen to provide the advice is not available, the USER will have the option of accessing another professional depending on their availability. In turn, it is expressly stated that, if no professional is available, MEDICO AEROESPACIAL disclaims legal responsibilities. It is understood that these are always low-complexity consultancies and the recommendation is that the USER, given the non-response of the professionals, go to a clinic.

MEDICO AEROESPACIAL, as the person responsible for the platform, does not guarantee the content of any information, advice or other responses from any participating medical professional. Therefore, MEDICO AEROESPACIAL does not assume any legal responsibility for any incorrect or misleading information provided by the doctor. Health professionals and AFFILIATED DOCTORS do not work for MEDICO AEROESPACIAL, but are independent professionals directly responsible for the quality of the service they have provided to the USER.

The advice will only be of a preventive and indicative nature, no type of management should be formulated, which is the responsibility of the authorized health services according to the country. No medication or treatment prescriptions will be made. The USER who, according to medical criteria, requires some type of medication or specific treatment may be directed to an authorized medical consultation service, either in person or by telemedicine depending on the needs of the USER and the place where he is.

For all current legal and administrative purposes, the care to be provided to the USER will be taken as provided at the registered address of the acting medical professional.


The USER undertakes to assume the payment of the service provided to the health service provider. In this sense, the patient can schedule their appointment through the MEDICO AEROESPACIAL platform without being obliged to pay digitally, the obligation to pay for the service can be agreed directly through the WhatsApp customer service chat available through our line customer service +57 324 6491055; If the patient schedules the appointment and does not attend, she can reschedule the appointment up to 2 times without having to pay again. Billing is the responsibility of the service provider.

In relation to refunds, MEDICO AEROESPACIA La clarifies that any request seeking reimbursement or return of money must be submitted by mail. Said request will be answered within eight (8) business days. It is necessary to clarify that the presentation of the request does NOT guarantee a positive response to the claim, nor the effective return of the money.

*It should be clarified that for no reason the costs related to the platform and payment gateway will be reimbursed, only those related to medical care will be reimbursed, as long as the patient has not missed the appointment.


Portions of this website have social networking media. These social media channels are provided by third parties and are subject to the terms and conditions of the third party provider concerned (even if you access that channel through any link from this Website).

MEDICO AEROESPACIAL encourages participation in social media. If the USER participates in any social media, they do so under these terms. The USER must act responsibly and be respectful of other users.

The USER must not present any content, such as advertising for products or services of any other organization, or personally identify any other person without their express consent.

MEDICO AEROESPACIAL may remove any content submitted by the user, which it considers to be a violation of these terms. While MEDICO AEROESPACIAL controls the content presented on any of its social media channels, it may not control all content at all times, therefore it does not guarantee the permanent absence of inappropriate content.


The sections that function as a forum, chat or space for opinion in general on the page are free virtual spaces where the USER, optionally and without any responsibility of MEDICO AEROESPACIAL, freely expresses their ideas, for which reason the responsibility of Any nature before MEDICO AEROESPACIAL or third parties, that is generated by the content of said information, is exclusive to the USER. Therefore, the USER will refrain from making improper, illegal or immoral use of said section. If MEDICO AEROESPACIAL becomes aware of the misuse that the USER makes of said section, access to them may be restricted without prior notification and/or inappropriate content may be eliminated according to the rules of this website, reserving the right to bring the actions to which there is room

MEDICO AEROESPACIAL reserves the right, but does not have the obligation, to monitor and/or review all materials submitted to the website or through the services or items on the site by the USER, and MEDICO AEROESPACIAL is not responsible for such materials submitted by the USER. USER. However, it reserves the right at all times to disclose any information as necessary to satisfy any law, regulation or governmental request, or to edit, refuse to post or remove any information or materials, in whole or in part, that in its sole discretion of MEDICO AEROESPACIAL are objectionable or in violation of the terms of use, the policies of this website or the applicable law. We may also impose limits on certain forum items or restrict your access to part or all of the forums without notice or penalty, if we believe you are in violation of the guidelines set forth in this paragraph, our terms and conditions, or applicable law, or for any other reason without notice or liability.

It is important to remember that comments submitted in a forum may be recorded and stored in multiple places, both on our website and elsewhere on the internet, which may be accessible for a long time and you have no control over who will eventually read them. It is therefore important that you be careful and selective about the personal information you disclose about yourself and others, and in particular, you should not disclose sensitive, proprietary or confidential information in your comments on our public forums.


If the USER wishes to register on the Website by creating a personal account protected by a password, they must keep their password confidential and not allow third parties to use their account, which is personal and non-transferable. The USER must not use another person’s account or password and must immediately report any suspected unauthorized use of their account or password. MEDICO AEROESPACIAL is not responsible for the damages or losses suffered by the USER for not keeping his password secret, for allowing third parties to use his account or for unauthorized use of his account and password.


If the USER is a minor or depends on a third party in his decision-making and abilities, the entry and use of the page must be done through his legal representative, be his parents, guardians or curators, as the case may be, who must to accept the Terms and Conditions. It will be understood that the USER who is underage or limited in his ability to exercise that uses the page, has been previously approved by his responsible legal representative with whom he has entered the page and consequently accepted the Terms and Conditions. It is understood that the parents, guardians or curators, as the case may be, have granted the aforementioned authorization for the sole use of the page by the minor or dependent. Parents, guardians or curators of minors, as the case may be, are solely responsible for the access of minors to the various internet portals, so access by minors to the page is presumed It has been done with the assent, consent and/or authorization of those.

If a minor or person with a disability provides false information about their minority or disability, MEDICO AEROESPACIAL will not be responsible for the use that the USER makes of the page or for the effects and results derived from it.

The personal information provided by the legal representative of the minor or disabled person will be treated in accordance with the Policy for the Protection of Personal Data of this website.

MEDICO AEROESPACIAL states, in accordance with the legal provisions regarding the regulation on Childhood and Adolescence, that the purpose of this page is not to violate morality, or the physical or mental health of minors or the disabled or to obtain confidential and intimate information from USER with the purpose of using it against him. The USER’s parents, guardians or curators are fully responsible for the use that the minor or dependent USER makes of the page.


MEDICO AEROESPACIAL preserves the web page for the information, service and learning of its Users. The trademarks, trade names, photographs, graphics, drawings, designs, illustrations, software, music, sound, videos and other content are protected in favor of MEDICO AEROESPACIAL under the rules of Intellectual Property or have a license or authorization for their use. The USER can access and view the content of the website from his computer or from any other device and, unless otherwise indicated, make individual copies or prints of the content of the website for his personal, internal use or only if the services offered through the website are for your personal use only. The material available on this website may not be modified, reproduced in whole or in part, redirected or published in any existing or future media, or distributed in any way.

Any distribution, publication, commercial or promotional exploitation, or of any of the contents, codes, data or materials on the website, is strictly prohibited, unless you have received the express prior written permission of MEDICO AEROESPACIAL or any other applicable rights holder.

You agree not to alter, edit, delete, remove, or otherwise change the meaning or appearance of the content, codes, data, or materials available through the Website, including without limitation the alteration or removal of any trademark, trademark, logo, service mark or any other proprietary content or notice of proprietary rights. The USER acknowledges that he does not acquire any property rights by downloading any copyrighted material from or through the website. If the USER makes other use of the site or the contents, data or materials that are found or available there, except as previously stipulated, the USER may be violating copyright laws, applicable stable laws and You may be subject to legal liability for such unauthorized use.

If any violation of intellectual property rights occurs because of the USER, the USER will be fully and totally responsible for damages, foreseeable or unforeseeable, when the respective legislation allows it, that originate directly or indirectly from his conduct against MEDICO AEROESPACIAL or against third parties.

Unless specifically requested, we do not request nor do we wish to receive any proprietary, secret or confidential information or other material from the USER through the website, by email or in any other way. Any unsolicited information, including but not limited to ideas, creative works, suggestions, concepts, methods, systems, designs, plans, techniques or other materials that you have sent or submitted to us (including, for example and without limitation, that which you submit or send to our chat groups, social media and/or blog, or send to us via email) is considered non-confidential or secret and may be used by us in any manner consistent with the website’s privacy policy . The foregoing, under the understanding that such communications are not confidential and are not protected by Intellectual Property regulations and, therefore, the USER who sends such information, may not claim any compensation or participation by virtue of the legitimate commercial use that MEDICO AEROESPACIAL of the same.

If the ideas, opinions, suggestions, comments and information referred to above were protected by Intellectual Property regulations, their spontaneous communication to MEDICO AEROESPACIAL through their entry to the Page, will be understood as a total and irrevocable waiver of the rights and patrimonial privileges on the same and the automatic and immediate free and universal transfer of the same in favor of MEDICO AEROESPACIAL.

By sending us submitted materials, the USER:

  1. You warrant that the materials submitted are original to you, that no other person has any right to them, and that any moral rights in the materials submitted have been waived.
  2. The USER grants us and our affiliates, royalty-free right and license, without worldwide, perpetual, irrevocable, non-exclusive and fully transferable restrictions that can be assigned and sublicensed, to use, copy, reproduce, modify, adapt, publish, translate, create derivative works from, distribute, perform, display and incorporate into other works any of the materials presented, in any form, medium or technology not known or yet to be developed, including promotional and/or commercial purposes.
  3. MEDICO AEROESPACIAL is not responsible for maintaining any Submitted Material provided by you and may delete or remove such material at any time.


The trademarks, service marks, registered trademarks and logos displayed on the website and its available contents, which belong to MEDICO AEROESPACIAL, registered, unregistered and others, cannot be used in connection with products and/or services that are not related , associated with or sponsored by their rights holders and which may cause confusion to customers, or in any way that disparages or discredits their rights holders. All trademarks not belonging to MEDICO AEROESPACIAL, but appearing on the website, if any, are the property of their respective owners. Nothing on the website should be construed as granting, by implication, estoppel, or otherwise, any license or right to use any trademark displayed on the website without the strict permission of MEDICO AEROESPACIAL or third parties that may be owners of said trademark. Misuse of the trademarks displayed on the website is strictly prohibited.

We respect the intellectual property rights of others and require that persons using the Website, or the services or items made available to them on or through the Website, do the same. If the USER believes that his work has been copied in a way that constitutes an infringement of copyright, please send the following information to [email protected]: Your address, telephone number and email address. A description of the copyrighted work that you claim has been infringed. A description of where the allegedly infringing material is located. A statement by you that you have a good faith belief that the disputed use is not authorized by the copyright owner, its agent, or the law. An electronic or physical signature of the person authorized to act on behalf of the owner of the copyright interest. A statement by you, made under penalty of perjury, that the above information in your notification is accurate and that you are the copyright owner or authorized to act on the copyright owner’s behalf.


THE USER agrees that if he includes a link (link) from any other website to our website, said link will open in a new browser window and will link to the full version of an html formatted page of this website. THE USER is not allowed to link directly to any image stored on the website or in our services, such as using an ‘in-line’ link method to cause the image stored by us to be displayed on another website. The USER undertakes not to download or use images stored on this website on another website, for any purpose, including without limitation, posting such images on another website.

The USER can link (link) from the website to third party websites and third parties can link to the website. You acknowledge that you agree that we have no responsibility for the information, content, products, services, advertisements, codes or other materials that may or may not be provided by or through the linked sites, even if owned or operated by our affiliates. Links to linked sites do not constitute an endorsement or sponsorship by us of such websites or of the information, content, products, services, advertisements, codes or other materials presented on or through such websites.

The inclusion of any link to such sites on our site does not imply endorsement, sponsorship or recommendation of that site by MEDICO AEROESPACIAL. MEDICO AEROESPACIAL disclaims any responsibility for links from another website to this website and to another website from this website. MEDICO AEROESPACIAL cannot guarantee the standards of any website to which links are provided on this site, nor will MEDICO AEROESPACIAL be responsible for the contents of such sites, or any subsequent links. MEDICO AEROESPACIAL does not represent or warrant that the contents of any third party website are accurate, that they comply with federal or state law, or that they comply with copyright or other intellectual property laws. MEDICO AEROESPACIAL is also not responsible for any form of transmission received from any linked website. Any trust placed in the contents of a third-party website is made at your own risk and the USER assumes all responsibilities and consequences resulting from such trust.

It is the responsibility of the USER to make their own decisions regarding the quality, accuracy, timeliness, reliability and suitability of the linked materials for their purposes. MEDICO AEROESPACIAL is not liable to the user or any other person for any loss or damage (however caused, including negligence) arising out of or in connection with the use of this website and/or the use of the materials on the site. website or linked materials.

MEDICO AEROESPACIAL does not represent or warrant that the materials on the website or linked materials are free of computer viruses or other defects. MEDICO AEROESPACIAL recommends that virus checks should be performed on any of the materials downloaded from the Website or linked materials. To the extent permitted by applicable law, all implied warranties, representations and conditions are excluded.


MEDICO AEROESPACIAL does not guarantee the availability and continuity of the operation of the Website, nor of any of the services offered on the Page. MEDICO AEROESPACIAL does not guarantee the usefulness of the Page for carrying out any activity in particular, nor its infallibility and, in particular, although not exclusively, that the USER can effectively use the Page.

MEDICO AEROESPACIAL does not assume any responsibility for damages of any kind that may be due to the lack of availability or continuity in the operation of our Page, to the defrauding of the utility that the USER could have attributed to this Page.


In addition to the obligations indicated above in these Terms and Conditions, the USER agrees to use this page in accordance with the law, the Terms and Conditions, as well as morality and generally accepted good customs. Likewise, the USER undertakes not to use this page for illegal purposes or effects, contrary to what is established in these Terms and Conditions, harmful to the rights and interests of third parties or of MEDICO AEROESPACIAL, or that in any way may damage, disable, overload or deteriorate the page or prevent the normal use or enjoyment of the page by other Users.

The USER will be liable for damages of any kind that MEDICO AEROESPACIAL may suffer, directly or indirectly, as a result of breaching any of the obligations derived from the Terms and Conditions or the law in relation to the use of this page.

The USER: Guarantees and agrees that while using the website and the various services or items offered on the site, it will NOT personalize any entity or person or distort its affiliation with any other person or entity. You will NOT insert your own advertising, branding or other promotional content or that of a third party into any of the content, materials or services of the website, nor will you use, redistribute, republish or exploit such content or services for any other commercial purpose. or promotional. You will NOT attempt to gain unauthorized access to other computer systems through the Website. You will NOT engage in web browsing, ‘screen scraping’, ‘database scraping’, harvesting email addresses, wireless addresses or other personal or contact information, or any other means to obtain user lists or other information through the website, including, without limitation, any information found on any server or database related to the website or services offered. You will NOT gain or attempt to gain unauthorized access to computer systems, material or information by any means. You will NOT use the website or the services made available to you through the website or website in any way with the intention of interrupting, damaging, disabling, overburdening or impairing the site or such services, including without limitation, sending unsolicited mass messages or ‘flood’ servers with requests. You will NOT use the website or the services or items on the site in violation of the intellectual property or other legal or proprietary rights of MEDICO AEROESPACIAL or any third party. You will NOT use the website or its services in violation of any applicable law.

The USER also agrees not to try, encourage or support the attempt of another to deceive, destroy, decrypt, or otherwise alter or interfere with the website or any content on it, or make any unauthorized use. You agree not to use the website in any way that could damage, disable, overburden, or impair the site. You will not obtain or attempt to obtain any material or information through any means not intentionally stated or made available to the public through the Website.

The USER undertakes to defend, indemnify and hold MEDICO AEROESPACIAL and the directors, officers, employees and agents of this web page and its affiliates harmless from any claim, liability, costs and expenses of any nature, including legal fees. lawyers, incurred as a result of your use of the website, your posting or transmission of any messages, content, information, software or other materials through the website, or your breach or violation of the law of these terms and conditions. MEDICO AEROESPACIAL reserves the right, at its own expense, to assume the defense of exclusive control of any matter otherwise subject to indemnification by you, and in such event, you agree to cooperate with MEDICO AEROESPACIAL in the defense of such demand.


Use of this website and the material on this website is at your own risk. MEDICO AEROESPACIAL makes no warranties or representations that this website or the services will be error-free, secure, or uninterrupted.

MEDICO AEROESPACIAL assumes no responsibility for any damage to you, your computer, or your other property, due to your access to, use of, or downloading of this website, our services, or any material provided on this website.

MEDICO AEROESPACIAL makes no warranties or representations of any kind, express or implied, as to the accuracy, complexity, or timeliness of the material, information, or products provided on this website. MEDICO AEROESPACIAL assumes no responsibility for any errors or omissions on this website.

The website, including without limitation, all services, content, functions and materials provided through the site, are provided ‘as is’, ‘as available’, without warranty of any kind, either express or implied. , including, without limitation, any guarantee of information, data, data processing service, unlimited or uninterrupted access, any guarantee regarding availability, interpretability, non-interpretability, accuracy, precision, correctness, perfection, completeness, usefulness or content information, and any warranties of title, non-infringement, merchantability, or fitness for a particular purpose, and we hereby disclaim any and all such express and implied warranties.

We do not warrant that the site or the services, content, functions, or materials provided through the website will be timely, secure, uninterrupted, or error-free, or that defects will be corrected.

We do not guarantee that the website or that the services provided meet the requirements of the users. No advice, results or information, whether oral or written, obtained by you from us through the website shall create any warranty not expressly stated herein.

MEDICO AEROESPACIAL does not assume any responsibility for any damage or virus that could infect your equipment due to your access to the use of navigation on the website or for downloading any of the materials, data, texts, images, video or audio content.

If the USER is not satisfied with the website, his only solution is to discontinue using the website. We try to ensure that the information published on the website is correct and up-to-date. We reserve the right to change or make corrections to any information provided on the website at any time and without prior notice.

MEDICO AEROESPACIAL neither endorses nor is it responsible for the accuracy or veracity of any opinion, advice or statement on the website, nor for any offensive, defamatory, obscene, indecent, illegal or infringing publication made on the website by any person other than a authorized spokesperson employee of MEDICO AEROESPACIAL. In its official capacity (including, without limitation, other users of the website), it is the responsibility of the USER to evaluate the accuracy, conclusion or usefulness of any information, opinion, advice or other content available through the website. Please seek the advice of professionals, as appropriate, regarding the evaluation of any specific information, opinion, advice or other content, including, but not limited to, financial, health or financial information, opinion, advice or other content. Lifestyle.

In no case, including, but not limited to negligence, will MEDICO AEROESPACIAL, or any of its collaborators, be liable for the content or services, for any direct, indirect, special, incidental, consequential, exemplary or punitive damages as a result of, or from directly or indirectly related to the use of the website, inability to use the website, lost business or lost sales, even if said protected entity has been advised of the possibility of such damages.

Some jurisdictions do not allow the limitation or exclusion of liability for incidental or consequential damages, so some of the above limitations may not apply to some users. In no event shall the protected entities be liable for or in connection with any content posted, transmitted, exchanged or received by or on behalf of any user or any other person through the website.

In no case will the total sum of the responsibilities of the protected entities towards you, for all damages, losses and causes of criminal action (whether in contract or in tort, including but not limited to negligence or otherwise) that result of the terms and conditions or your use of the website, I shall exceed in the total amount, the amount, if any, paid by you to MEDICO AEROESPACIAL for the use of the website or for the purchase of products and services via the website.

A very small percentage of people may experience a seizure when exposed to certain visual images, such as flashing lights or pictures that may appear in video games or other electronic or online content. Even people with no history of seizures or epilepsy may have an undiagnosed condition that can cause these «photosensitive epileptic seizures» while watching video games or other electronic content. These attacks have a variety of symptoms, including dizziness, disorientation, confusion, momentary loss of consciousness, twitching of the eyes or face, altered vision, or jerking or jerking of the arms or legs. If the USER experiences any of the aforementioned symptoms, or if you or your family have a history of seizures or epilepsy, you should immediately stop using the website and consult a doctor.

MEDICO AEROESPACIAL reserves the right not to proceed or continue with the provision of its services when users are or intend to misuse it and even when they behave contrary to good faith or practices that do not correspond to compliance with the law or moral and ethical principles.


Through this document, MEDICO AEROESPACIAL establishes the terms and conditions of use of its platform and determines the way in which each USER, regardless of their role, relates to it. Therefore, the simple use of the platform or any of the services that it makes available to you is considered an express acceptance of each of the clauses below, including the personal data processing policy. The services provided by MEDICO AEROESPACIAL, on its platform, are offered in accordance with the provisions of Law 1419 of 2010, Resolution 2654 of 2019 and other applicable Colombian regulations.

Patrimonial Rights:

MEDICO AEROESPACIAL is the owner of the economic and moral copyright rights derived from the platform and is the one who, through its team of employees, allies and contractors, is in charge of providing each of the services offered through it. In the event that there is an inconvenience, doubt or suggestion with the use of the platform, you can send an email with the request and contact information to the email [email protected].


The platform is in charge of acting as a channel in which doctors legally accepted to practice and authorized by MEDICO AEROESPACIAL, contract the services of the platform to offer their services to the USER. Thus, the platform offers the possibility of (1) Receive an evaluation of occupational risks, travel risks and aeromedical risk through artificial intelligence, according to the profile of the USER (2) Make appointment scheduling with any AFFILIATED DOCTOR; (3) attend a consultation in the synchronous telemedicine modality with an AFFILIATED DOCTOR; (4) Chat with any AFFILIATED DOCTOR to receive medical guidance; (5) Possibility of registration, reservation and custody of the clinical history of the patients treated by the AFFILIATED DOCTOR; (6) Issuance of medical certificates according to the criteria of the AFFILIATED DOCTOR who performs the care. All this under the limitations established in the GENERAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF OPERATION OF MEDICO AEROESPACIAL.

Services offered through the platform:

MEDICO AEROESPACIAL puts at the service of the USER tools for the evaluation of occupational risks, aeromedical risk and travel risk. In addition, it promotes the services offered by the AFFILIATED DOCTOR, in particular Medical Video Consultation and medical guidance chat, allowing preventive medical services to be brought closer to people who need it.

The MEDICO AEROESPACIAL platform will make its best effort to provide the required services. However, the user, through the acceptance of the TERMS AND CONDITIONS, acknowledges and accepts that there will be limitations regarding the availability of the AFFILIATED DOCTOR for care, schedules and coverage arranged for him, all of the above will be indicated directly on the platform that the USER is using. It is made clear that in the case of occupational examinations, under no circumstances are AFFILIATED DOCTOR allowed to make medical formulations, give disabilities or attend medical emergencies.

Now, if you have any questions about the services mentioned here that are not resolved directly by this document or the information on the platform, then you can ask us by writing to [email protected].

Services NOT offered through the platform:

MEDICO AEROESPACIAL declares that the platform has not been developed with any of the following objectives:

Directly provide medical services;

Act as a health service provider entity;

Comply with therapeutic or disease treatment functions;

Formulation medications or disabilities;

Medical emergency care;

Comply with Rehabilitation functions or medical actions aimed at completing therapeutic actions to reintegrate the individual into their personal or social environment.

Use of the platform by users:

The USERS of the platform can make use of it for the purposes set out in these terms and conditions, that is, in summary, the use of it as a technological channel to be able to request guidance and medical services, all this through the AFFILIATED DOCTORS who they also hold the role of users. For this reason, the platform aims to provide an adequate channel of communication, contact and care between users requesting the service and allied doctors who provide the service, all of the above with the limitations that are enshrined in these terms and conditions, in addition to the exposed in the Law for technological platforms in Colombia.


MEDICO AEROESPACIAL assumes the responsibility of ensuring that the platform provides the minimum performance required for USERS to use it as proposed in the statement of services offered.

In addition to this, MEDICO AEROESPACIAL undertakes to:

Respect and guarantee strict compliance with privacy policies as indicated by Law 1581 of 2012 and other applicable regulations.

Provide functional support to USERS for the use of the platform.

Provide users with the verification of improper uses by USERS in the event that claims are made.

Generate communication channels and facilitate access to content as long as it is allowed.

Allow access to people who request registration within the platform, as long as they meet the established requirements.

Guarantee that the content published within the platform does not:

Promote or contain sexually explicit material.

They promote the use of drugs or psychoactive substances, of restricted transit and/or related.

Promote violence or contain explicit violent material.

Promote or contain defamatory or slanderous material that is against the good name or honor of any natural or legal person.

Promote discrimination or use discriminatory practices or terms, based on race, sex, nationality, disability, sexual orientation, age, etc.

Promote or imply illicit or illegal activities.

They violate the intellectual property rights of third parties.

Safeguard the information registered on the platform by users;

Maintain absolute confidentiality of sensitive information known during the provision of the service;

Arrange for the security measures deemed necessary so that the platform and the databases connected to it have the minimum conditions required to prevent unauthorized access, data loss, malfunctions, disclosure of confidential information and other related matters.

General obligations of platform users:

All users have the following obligations:

Know prior to your registration, the terms and conditions that are related to the platform;

Consult the conditions of the service that they seek to contract and know all the risks, benefits, particularities, responsibilities and other relevant information to access these, which will be communicated by the AFFILIATED DOCTOR prior to the start of care.

Pay within the established terms for the services that are intended to be acquired through the means of payment that the platform establishes;

Do not promote in any way the comments, products, images or other means:

Explicit sexual material.

The use of drugs or psychoactive substances, restricted transit and/or related.

Violence or contains explicit violent material.

Defamatory or slanderous material, which is against the good name or honor of any natural or legal person.

Discrimination or use discriminatory practices or terms, based on race, sex, nationality, disability, sexual orientation, age, etc.

Illegal or illegal activities.

Violation of the intellectual property rights of third parties;

Refrain from deleting, destroying, making offensive comments about the digitized works;

Carry out trading activities with the digitized goods on the platform;

Authorize MEDICO AEROESPACIAL to process your personal data in accordance with the law and our personal data processing policies. You can access our personal data processing manual by entering: https://www.medicoaeroespacial.com/politica-de-privacidad/;

Use the platform in accordance with the guidelines provided by MEDICO AEROESPACIAL;

Make technical support requests through the email [email protected];

Provide true and verifiable information at the time of supplying it through the application, therefore, it is understood that it is true and any falsehood only commits him;

Refrain from third parties using the USER’s account on the platform.

Give immediate notice to MEDICO AEROESPACIAL through the email [email protected] of any circumstance that threatens and/or jeopardizes the integrity of the data stored on the plarform;

Permanently consult the text of the Terms and Conditions of the platform to know the changes that appear in it;

Comply with current national regulations, in a responsible, respectful, diligent manner, always acting in good faith;

Guarantee that it has all the authorizations and other requirements demanded by the legal system for the development of the commercial activity;

Comply with the rules established in these «terms and conditions, as well as those that are added at the time they are updated.

Guarantee that if you are not acting on your own behalf or as the patient’s legal representative, you have sufficient authorizations and powers to represent him.

Breach of the obligations to use the platform:

In the event that any USER fails to comply with any of the obligations derived from the use of the platform or incurs in any of the special prohibitions, MEDICO AEROESPACIAL may choose to carry out one or more of the following actions:

Cancel the service account of the USER within the platform and, as a consequence, prohibit the use of the application permanently;

Definitively and permanently delete all types of information entered into the platform that contravene the rules established in these terms and conditions;

Initiate the corresponding civil, criminal and administrative actions when, at the discretion of MEDICO AEROESPACIAL, the infringement of the terms and conditions set forth in this document so warrants.

The non-immediate application of any of the sanctions provided for in this section does not mean that MEDICO AEROESPACIAL waives the right that is abrogated to sanction improper conduct within the platform and/or the power granted by law to initiate legal actions. pertinent to protect their integrity and/or that of their assets.

Commitment to confidentiality and information security:

MEDICO AEROESPACIAL has the highest security and storage measures to guarantee proper and confidential use of personal data collected through the platform. In order to guarantee an adequate provision of the services, MEDICO AEROESPACIAL, at its discretion, may share the personal data and medical history it deems necessary. Likewise, the platform may record the VIDEO CALL service, therefore, by accepting these terms, the USER expressly authorizes the platform to do so only for the purposes of MEDICO AEROESPACIAL.

With the use that the USERS make of the platform, they authorize MEDICO AEROESPACIAL to use the data stored in their databases in order to be treated with the procedures and purposes that are set forth in the Personal Treatment Policy.

MEDICO AEROESPACIAL will deploy all the means that are within its reach and that derive from the obligations provided for in the law to try to protect personal data and other information stored in its databases.

The personal data that MEDICO AEROESPACIAL collects in the development of the service are subject to the personal data protection manual of the platform and can be accessed on the page https://www.medicoaeroespacial.com/politica-de-privacidad . In the event that you have a request, complaint, claim or wish to exercise any of the rights derived from the processing of personal data, please send an email to [email protected].


To access the MEDICO AEROESPACIAL platform, it is required to have the latest two versions of web browsers: Chrome, Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox and Edge for Windows and Safari for Mac. Likewise, cookies and JavaScript must be activated in the browser.

Intellectual Property Rights:

MEDICO AEROESPACIAL reserves all the intellectual property rights that derive from the platform, the structure of the databases, page design and others that have been created and those that are developed for its use or exploitation. The foregoing, without prejudice to the respect that MEDICO AEROESPACIAL will make of the intellectual property rights that correspond to third parties.

In the event that MEDICO AEROESPACIAL definitively transfers the ownership of the rights that correspond to it on the exploitation of the platform, together with said transfer, all the rights and obligations that fall on it and that derive from the use made by the users are understood to have been assigned. USERS of this platform.

Law applicable to the platform:

MEDICO AEROESPACIAL is located in the municipality of Villavicencio, in the department of Meta, in the Republic of Colombia and all services offered through the platform are considered to be provided in Colombian territory. Thus, the applicable legislation due to the origin of MEDICO AEROESPACIAL and the place where the service is understood to be provided, is the Republic of Colombia. Given the foregoing, any conflict between MEDICO AEROESPACIAL and any of the users of the platform will be resolved before the Colombian jurisdiction.

In the event that any part of the terms and conditions of this document were to be declared null, non-existent and/or inapplicable by a judicial and/or administrative body, MEDICO AEROESPACIAL and the USER will try to apply the remaining parts of this document, taking into account to the supplementary norms that are applicable and finally to equity, since the intentions are to effectively comply with the provision of the service.


By using the platform, you as a USER accept that MEDICO AEROESPACIAL does not assume any type of contractual or extra-contractual, civil, commercial or criminal responsibility, for effects on your business or personal information, your physical integrity, your assets and those of those who have in charge, when said affectations derive from the existence of failures in the effective fulfillment of the contractual and professional obligations of the people who provide them or in cases not attributable to MEDICO AEROESPACIAL or the AFFILIATED DOCTOR to the platform when it is the exclusive fault of the affected party for not abiding by what is stated in these terms and conditions. The AFFILIATED DOCTOR is solely responsible for the diagnosis, concept and treatment provided to the USER through the platform, in accordance with the provisions of Resolution 2654 of 2019. Therefore, both the USER will hold MEDICO AEROESPACIAL harmless for any complaint, claim or demand derived from defects or errors in the diagnosis, concept and treatment given by the AFFILIATED DOCTOR through the platform.

Likewise, MEDICO AEROESPACIAL is not responsible for the loss of information due to misuse of the platform and the leaking of information due to improper access by third parties that derives from the exposure of access data through its own fault or carelessness.

By using the platform, the USER declares that they are aware of these terms and conditions, and after doing so, they have taken the necessary security measures to protect their personal integrity and the property and information they own.

Likewise, the user is once again warned that the AFFILIATED DOCTOR who offer services through the platform will not be able to attend EMERGENCIES or issue any kind of disability or medical formulation.


AEROESPACE MEDICAL at any time and without the need for prior notification, may: (I) change; (II) modify; (III) add and/or (IV) delete part or all of the Terms and Conditions. Therefore, it is the responsibility of the USER, when entering our Page, to review the Terms and Conditions and to keep abreast of the changes and modifications introduced.

THE USER declares and guarantees that he is empowered to accept these Terms and Conditions and comply with them.

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